Tuesday, August 30, 2011

DIY Fish Hydrolysate fertilizer.

What you need are:
1. Blender
2. Fish 8oz
3. Water 4 cups
4. Papain 1/4 tsp (I used meat tenderizer powder)
5. Plastic container (Milk jug will work)

Any fish parts (heads, guts, bone, meat ...) will work; I used cheapest whole fish and salmon heads from Asia super market.

Add 2 cups of water, fish and Papain in blender. Blend with highest speed for 3 minutes. Let it sit for 1 hours, blend another 3 minutes. Add another 2 cups of water then transfer into plastic container. Please note in the next 1 week there will be a lot of gas coming out of the mixture, so leave at least half of the container empty and make sure your container is plastic.

Leave the container in a warm place for one week. Shake and let the gas out everyday.

Warning! This stuff stinks to high heaven!
To use the liquid fertilizer, mix 4 tbsp with 1 gallon water. Fortunately it doesn't smell so bad after dilution.

How good is it?
It's early Sep and I have four early girl tomato plants which were drying out and dying. After applying DIY fish fertilizer 3 times a week for two weeks, they grew out new branches and started blossom and set new fruits!

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